Animal in us

Vishnu Sandhi
3 min readApr 23, 2022


I always regarded myself as cool, calm and always in control person. The recent experience has shattered the idea of myself to me. I was shaken to the core and got very much angry. I have shouted repeatedly at my wife. My niece started crying because of my anger.

It has all happened as I have to attend a birthday party of my friend son . The birthday party is happening at a place that is 50 km away. I along with my wife, my toddler son and my niece started traveling for the party. I took my brother’s car rather than my old car. I am new to this car and this is the first time I am driving car other than mine.

We have started at 7:00 PM and it is already dark. The road is highway and there are high speed cars, trucks and motor bykes going around. I was not sure how to operate my brother’s car controls. My wife was constantly bickering about my driving. I was traveling at 60 KM per hour and it all has happened suddenly.

My wife shouted buffaloes ahead. I have seen a buffalo at a distance and I have applied brakes. But before the car stopped I saw another buffalo suddenly appeared before the car and the car hit buffalo. Car has hit the side of the buffalo and the buffalo has fallen on the car.

I thought I have killed the buffalo, we were in a shock the impact was sudden and frightening. My niece was crying, my wife who is already bickering lost control. Luckily the buffalo has gotten down and started running.

Car was working fine with some damage at front. I thought we can drive easily to the party and started driving to the party. My wife asked me to drive back home or calling my brother for help.

I lost control and was speaking angrily as I thought my wife was not trusting me on this. This has increased my niece cries. Out of all the people who was enjoying the drama was my son who is a toddler . He liked the all drama that is going on and laughing out.

Then the night mare started throughout the 40 km. My wife was blaming me, and I was blaiming my wife. Two growns up cannot handle this stuff, how can I expect my niece to handle this. I got angry on my niece too as she was crying and talking a lot.

We have reached the birthday party with lot of struggle at parking and traffic. The watch men at the parking was nice and gave me some advice regarding the car. Then we noticed one of the door got sruck and not opening. There is no end to that night sruggles. Some how we have gotten out of the car and attended the party. It was nice to meet lot of old friends. My wife didn’t have the food as she was still mad at me. My niece seems to have settled down. My kid as usual enjoying himself.

Finally the party finished. My niece father and mother also joined us as they too got scared for their child and followed us in bus. My brother drives us back home safely. There were accommodative and understanding.

Situations bring the best of us and sometimes the worst of us. It brought the worst of me . I did not understand that there are kids in car and my shouting only made things worse. I should have kept my head cool though out and should have consoled my niece more.



Vishnu Sandhi
Vishnu Sandhi

Written by Vishnu Sandhi

UI Developer who likes to learn and build things for humans.

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