Can computer kill
I read a story today. A primary school headmaster killed himself by burning himself with petrol. The reason is his inability to cope with pressure of using computer which were mandated by his higher officials.
The goal of using technology is to help people, but why is the computers are causing lot of stress which are leading to sucides.
Imagine you are in your fifties and doing a job like teaching kids for most of your life and there is a great pressure to digitize everything. The amount of experience you have is not going to save you.
The accounts or auditing details which were used to write in note books might be going to be online. There is pressure from higher officials on the details not present in the system. The trust deficiency in Indians are taking shape to this kind of apps using the computers and helding people accountable for not using it.
We can easily say one has to skill up in this modern world.
Is the fault always lies in the people who were not able to use technology?
Can the people who design this systems can do better job by taking into consideration the user who don’t know how to use computer?
I have exprerinced lot of stress while visiting my relatives place which is adjacent to my house. The watchmen of apartments are asking to install a app and show a pass code when I am going to visit my relatives house. Even I visit there 10 times a day, they ask me to show passcode. Imagine the kind of stress it adds for people who are not using smart phones and treated as thugs who are trying to enter a place which are forbidden.
There is nothing wrong with using technology. But my conern how the technologies occupied central place instread of solving problems. I think technology is used as watch dogs to control by apartment owners and government officials.
I think the reason is not everyone is taken into account when designing a system. A process should not be biased for people who know how to use computer. Technologies should make life simple for everyone but not include only young and discounting the old. And more importantly technologies should not be forced on people.
The article is in telugu. You can use the google translate if you are not familiar with telugu.