Gruesome murder of Dubagunta
My native place is the sleepy village where nothing happen much other than occasional political campaigns, marriages and deaths. Here kids get educated , get jobs and move to the urban areas for livelihood. Some folks try their luck in agriculture which leads to debts forcing the next generation to pay them.
All of a sudden this murder happened shocking everyone. The murder was done by a non native.
The murder happened in a street fight, the non native was drunk and stabbed multiple times into the heart of the native guy killing him instantly. The heard torn out and blood oozed. As if the straight of the movie he took a cigarette, called the police and surrendered.
The incident was preplanned as the non native took his knife along with him. He was recording the incident in his phone and got involved in a altercation with the native. There was a fight and the native person took the slippers to beat this native. Then he did the murder.
The native person is well connected guy with lawyers and place from our village. I think the recording he did is a proof for the police case. He might be sure he can get of this case.
The heart of the issue is native vs non native. There was an on going fight between non native and native. The native thought how can non native can insult and rule over him. The non native thought he has to protect himself and set an example to people who has any thoughts of harming him.
Then non native took a lease of 20 acres and is doing agriculture for some time in my place. The native worked as daily laborer at the non native. There non native stole a pump from the native, the reason because of some issues they have earlier.
The non native send a kid to get the pump from the native. The kids was beaten by the native causing a head injury. This infuriated the non native who took our his knife with the intention of killing the native and performed this gruesome act.
Native vs Non Native
I asked this question to my Mom who is a learned lady long time ago.
“Can a non native became a native ? ”.
She answered “A non native can be a native but they have to respect the traditions of the native and try to integrate with native people” .
There will be interesting clashes of the traditions between native and non native.
Harmony respect between native and non native is important here and beneficial to every one involved. The native person need not look the non native person with suspicion as some who came to displace him . Or Non native person discard the native people to occupy them.