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My encounters with a Indian God Man

Vishnu Sandhi
3 min readOct 10, 2020

God Men are humans but representatives of God to guide human beings. I am amazed to see how these god men are doing so well in the modern age. I don’t mean these people have super powers. But they know some thing which we don’t know.

God Men Swami

I have multiple associations with a god man. Let us name him Swami. When the followers of Swami face a dilemma or has to take an important decision they approach Swami to give directions.

Swami Process to give direction for his followers

The process of Swami coming to a decision is interesting. He goes to this holy place called Tirupati with questions from his followers noted in a paper. Tirupathi is one of the crowdest religious places in the world. Still he does this travel multiple times in a week. Here God Venkateswara resides. He asks the questions posed by his followers to the God himself. He says that GOD Venkateswara gives the answers to him to give back to his followers.

First time I met Swami

I met Swami when I was in my teenage. I am fresh out of class 12 appearing for multiple exams for college. My Grandfather accompanied me one of the exams which is in Tirupati. My Grandfather made me travel with Swami as he believed it improves my chances of clearing the exam. I was skeptical about this and I also got a stomach bug traveling with Swami and his followers. Even during the exam I have to go to bathroom thrice. Despite all this I was able to clear the exam improving the confidence of my mother and grandfather on Swami. I was not able to clear the other stages and Swami didn’t travel with me for those.

Swami 1 Me 0

Second time

The second time I met swami when I was looking for marriage proposals for my cousin. Indian Marriages are tricky affairs. Lot of things has to go correct to perform a marriage.

There was a proposal from a girls side to my cousin. My cousin side was reluctant to go on with marriage for various other reasons. The girls side believed in Swami very much. The swami suggested the girl side to pursue this marriage proposal. I also some how convinced my cousin side to marry this girl because I felt the girl is right match for him. They got married.

I doubt without the driving force of Swami the girls side would have accepted my cousin. I am not sure how my cousin side accepted given my negotiation skills. So we both won in this round

Swami 2 Me 1

Third encounter

I was again looking for an another girl for my brother marriage . I was very much inclined to marry him a particular girl. This time the Swami suggested it is not right match. I didn’t believed him and tried hard for the alliance. And to my surprise the girl family is not keen to go with proposal. Now my mother believes Swami more firmly.

Swami 3 Me 1

So in all cases Swami won. How can swami is so correct all the time ?


Rational human beings take decision based on logic . How can a decision taken by Swami for you is better than ours own judgement ? All of conversations with Swami gave me the picture of this guy who cares about his followers and smart. He is smart enough to get lot of information from his followers. I cannot consider him lucky and manipulative in all the decisions. But no one comes this far by just lucky and get this many followers.


Is there any divine energy Swami taps into when he visits Tirupati and this helps him to see the things clear?

Is it placebo effect working on his followers to give them confidence to clear the obstacles.

Are we so irrational and we don’t see the writing on the wall but Swami can see it as he is more rational than us.

I don’t know the answers but I believe in myself and have to be more rational to improve my chances against Swami.



Vishnu Sandhi
Vishnu Sandhi

Written by Vishnu Sandhi

UI Developer who likes to learn and build things for humans.

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