Wild life human conflict at Tirumala
Tirumala is a holy place located at the hills and a huge forest. This is frequently visited by thousands of people and a holy place. To visit this holy place, there are two routes.
- Using the bus in the ghat road
- Trekking the well laid path with steps.
There has been increase in wild life human conflicts recently at this place.
One such incident happened recently, a 6 year girl went missing during the trekking to Tirumala by a family of husband, wife and two children. The authorities are blaming the parents on leaving behind the girl child.
The family thought it would be fun to treck with the children and they split with the rest of the family who went to Tirumala by car. The girl is in playful mode and was running around. The girl child sulked because her father refused to buy her biscuits and got behind during trekking . The father is carrying the other child and cannot look after the sulking child. After sometime they found out the girl child is missing.
Along with police they searched the whole day. The girl is no where to be found. It’s a busy place with hundreds of people walking but no one has seen the girl. After some time they noticed blood stains near where the girl went missing. When the searched in the forest they found the mauled body of the girl.
Everyone thought at first it was work of wild bear 🐻. But after examining they found the leopard did this 🐆. The leopard somehow sneaked and took away the girl in a busy place.
There is no end to the distress of the family. The mother, father and grand father are crying inconsolably.
The recent increase of human wild life conflict might be because of two reasons. After the Covid the wild life started treading paths they have not taken before. The passengers also feeding and leaving the trash behThis was food for the Deers and Carnivores. The leapord is coming to feed these deers and causing human wild life conflicts.